Day 1
The first day of the Training Course “Participation days” is finished.
On this day, participants had a chance to learn about the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the European Green Deal.
The 2030 Agenda part covered a bit of history, presenting many participants the predecessor of the SDGs – the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and how has that affected the creation of the Agenda and why it is presented as it is and the need for it to yield positive results. This session also shed a light to the 2015 Paris Agreement and the particularities around it’s signing.
The second session was devoted to the European Green Deal and focused on key areas of it, namely: 1) Targets for Greenhouse gas emission reduction (mainly focusing on the participants’ understanding of the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) and the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) concepts); 2) Targets for renewable energy; 3) Energy efficiency; 4) Taxation and greenhouse gas emissions pricing (of fuels, in the maritime industry, in the built environment and transportation sectors) – this part also covered the newly introduced C-BAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and its implementation) as well as the Social Climate Fund. 5) Cars and light commercial vehicles; 6) Alternative Fuels Infrastructure (for vehicles across the TEN-T and the maritime and aviation industries) and finishing with 7) Land use, forestry and agriculture and it’s role in the carbon capturing part of emissions reduction and offsetting.
The third session focused on the SDG 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and analyzed this SDG in the context of Novi Sad, a city hosting the Training Course. The participants had a chance to get familiar with urban development of the city, particularly on the aspect of urban cultural capacities, developed in the city preceding to the Novi Sad European Capital of Culture 2022.
The day was engaging and involved all participants into fruitful discussions, laying the ground for tomorrow’s Sessions and Workshops revolving around Circular Economy.
Stay tuned…

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