Day 3
On the third day of the Training Course “Participation Days” participants embarked on a journey of exploration and reflection. The day began with an insightful visit to the renowned NGO “Vojvodina Environmental Movement” located in the picturesque town of Sremski Karlovci. Here, attendees delved into the remarkable work of this impactful organization, which has been at the forefront of environmental preservation and activism.
The highlight of the morning was a tour of the Eco Center run by the NGO, offering a hands-on experience of their innovative environmental initiatives and sustainable practices. Participants gained valuable insights into the intersection of local activism and environmentalism, aligning with the overarching theme of the EY-DGF project.
In the afternoon, the program took an exciting turn as we boarded a catamaran on the Danube River. This journey provided the perfect backdrop for in-depth discussions about the NGO’s outstanding contributions to preserving and cleaning the river’s shores. As we cruised along the Danube’s, participants shared their thoughts and ideas, fostering a deeper appreciation for the critical role of our natural surroundings in the Digital Green Future.

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