Day 4
The fourth day of “Participation days” was all about the role of the EU in various parts of people’s lives.
Firstly, the participants were introduced to the core institutions of the EU, their work and relationship in delivering action for all dimensions of European life. Participants were introduced with the European Commission, European Parliament, and the Council of Europe as three pillars for delivering legislation and action as well as with the core values those institutions and people who work in them base themselves on.
Second Session delved into real-world examples that Mrs. Bulc had in shaping policies that impact all of us. This Session was about inspiring the participants to take action towards the policies that are implemented in their communities, and to open the eyes of individuals to the flexibilities that the EU can provide for ideas that come from real necessities of communities around the Continent.
Finally, participants were divided into groups who had a task to develop their own EU initiative, identifying relevant stakeholders and possible mechanisms through which those ideas can become standard EU practice in the future.

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