Day 5
Day 5 of the “Participation Days” training course in Novi Sad, Serbia was an exciting and informative day dedicated to the topic of “Making an Impact with Your Initiatives through Social Media.” This day’s session was conducted by Vladimira Dorčova Valtnerova, an expert in social media strategies.
The primary focus of the day was to educate participants on the significance of disseminating their initiatives effectively on social media and to empower them with the skills needed to create engaging content for their target audiences. The day was structured around a series of engaging activities and discussions.
The day began with an insightful exercise where participants were asked to describe their “ideal avatar.” This concept involves creating a detailed persona of a typical person whose needs the initiative aims to address. Understanding this ideal persona is crucial for tailoring content to resonate with the target audience effectively.
Following this exercise, participants were organized into groups, each representing different initiatives. Their task was to develop engaging social media content, with a particular emphasis on creating compelling videos for their respective ideal avatars. This hands-on activity allowed participants to put into practice the concepts they had learned, such as understanding the preferences and interests of their target audience.
The participants’ creativity and skills were put to the test as they brainstormed and crafted videos designed to capture the attention and engagement of their ideal avatars. This exercise encouraged them to think strategically about content creation, visual elements, and storytelling techniques to deliver their messages effectively.
At the end of the day, all the groups reconvened to review and share the videos they had created. This collaborative feedback session provided an opportunity for participants to offer constructive comments and suggestions to help improve each other’s content. It was a valuable learning experience, as it allowed everyone to gain insights from different perspectives and refine their social media content.

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